Vyoma is a entity in Alleria. This site is just a record of the happenings to him and a way to keep track of his presence. Alleria is a comminity created world where one can create a character and roleplay.
Published on September 21, 2004 By Vyoma In Life Journals
Early, Hour 10 of Thera, Brightening 6 of Ionnes,
Summero of Era I of the Celestine Mandate
Era X Post Fractum in the Age of Darnkening, the Mageocracy of Julos the Mad
Paradigm: The Truce of Demios and the Merfolk

In search for tattoo-admirers...

It had been quiet few days, and Vyoma had been roaming about aimlessly, in the streets of Medonia. He had to find some people who would want a tattoo.

Entities, who would like the needle on their skin for sake of art.

He had few more days before which the cycle would be complete. He had said that he would be there at the Tattoo's, with or without customers, but he hated to go there without some.

Vyoma was finding it hard to cope with the problem. Never had he interacted with people around him, and now she asks him to get two customers for her.

Vyoma looked at the stacked crates on the pavement. He took a deep breath and climbed to the top of it. He took another deep breath and then shouted at the top of his voice,

"People of Medonia! Gather around. It might not have come under your notice but I have to state that there is a excellent center for your tattooing needs. Let the needle tickle your skin and let the art express your inner passion. People of Medonia! Gather around..."

Vyoma crossed his fingers mentally as he repeated the announcement.

A' Laena Ssin:
The moons were already rising on the burning sky when A' Laena was going back to her room in the Turien's. Suddenly a loud shouting made her stop and look up, a black-haired elf had climbed on the stacked crates on the pavement and was announcing something. Hiowever,not his voice was what attracted the girl's attention, but his words:"Let the needle tickle your skin and let the art express your inner passion" It sounded...intriguing. A' Laena did have passion and this was a beautiful way to express it, to show her fiery individuality. But A' Laena was also very moody. Her opinion changed as often as the place of the suns in the sky. Would she want to have a tattoo forever?

The crimson-haired elf approached the man and smiled at him with clearly expressed interest. She waited for him to stop shouting and then spoke with a bright voice. "Serale! I'm interested in your tattoos....but I wonder if there is any way to make it temporary?"

It had been quite sometime since Vyoma had been shouting. Then, before even he felt the pain of a sore throat, he heard a voice, that seemed to come from a throat dipped in honey. He just looked at her for a while.

It was the voice and not the words that caught his train of thoughts. Vyoma then realized that he was looking down on her.

How disrespectful!

He jumped down from the crates and softly landed beside her. The voice seemed to reverberate, not just his ear-drums but his thoughts. They were more like a wisper from a wind-instrument than the strumming of a stringed.

Vyoma was so enthralled by the voice that he had to think and remember what she had said in order to reply. He took his moment and said,
"It is great to know that you are interested in tattoo. But I do not yet tattoo. I do know a place where you can get it done. And about, could one get it temporarily. I do not know for sure but from my knowledge, yes, you should be able to get one."

Vyoma thought that it was not good thing to be honest in the buisness, and with what he said, may be he would loose his only opportunity for daily bread. But his consious would not let him talk sugar coated words.

Vyoma smiled.
Any sugar-coated word would be bitter against the voice of the beautiful one.

A' Laena Ssin :
If the black-haired elf had dared to talk sugar-coated words to A' Laena, he would happen to be a rather unhappy elf for the crimson-haired girl didn't tolerate any fake flattering and sweet lies. She looked suspiciously straight at his eyes for a second and then her lips widened into a playful smile. It was good that someone could draw temporary tattoos. The girl whose temper was as fiery as her crimson hair intended to have one darawn on her milky white skin and she was already looking forward to it.

"And where exactly is that place? I'm still new to the city...." Waiting for an answer, the elfin girl's eyes glittered impatiently. A tattoo was quite a good idea although she would never think of it if she hadn't seen the shouting stranger. Well, that's what youth was for- to make crazy decisions and use every single opportunity. Ena crossed her arms gracefully and secretly eyed the elf. " Does he have a tattoo?" she wondered. Then her eyes looked away dreamily. The wind removing some deep-red locks of hair from her face, she looked impossibly gentle in the light of the gold sunset. The girl had already started thinking about the tattoo- what would it be? Hundreds of ideas .......Ena sighed and her attention was caught by the dark-haired elf again. She needed some advice.

Vyoma saw the flash of suspicion in her eyes.

Maybe, the admiration was thought to be fake. But who cares. It only matters what is beneath the skin. The color of the skin or the fur is of no importance.

Even then, Vyoma could not help but admire the white skin that belonged to the crimson haired young elf that stood in front of him.

As fast as the suspicion had emerged it dissolved away and mischief took its place.

How playful youth was!

Vyoma realized that this was the reason why the young lady wanted a temporary tattoo. Her passions were like mercury on a leaf, every moment it changed its position. He just hoped that she could get a temporary tattoo.

Vyoma talked to her,
"Well, I forgot to introduce my self. My name is Vyoma. And when would you like to come to the parlor, my lady?

Vyoma realized that he had been judged as one without any mannerism, but hoped that he had acted properly. He looked into her eyes and waited for her answer, ready to listen to that voice again.

A' Laena Ssin:
A' Laena might have seemed quite confident for her young age but there was some almost unnoticable insecurity in her actions. Vyoma's admiring her caused her to step back uncosciously and cross her arms in a defensive position. She was bold or at least thought so but people's looking at her like that made her embarrassed.

The girl quickly regained her confidence and smiled once again, as if to hide her former reaction.
" A' Laena Ssin, it's nice to meet you" she pulled out her hand for shaking and then continued with a playful expression on her elfin face. " The parlor? As soon as it is possible." It was a decision of the moment and A' Laena usually wanted things to happen too quickly. As her fashion teacher had said, she was running before knowing how to walk.

Vyoma looked at the hand offered to him. Vyoma was always bad at social interactions. He held the hand firmly. People used to say that a handshake should be firm and warm.

Vyoma was firm but he was not sure he could keep up the warmth. Then again, he took extreme care as to not crush the hand of the beautiful creature that stood in front of him.

Vyoma also realized that his stare had caused some uncomfort and so he lowered it a bit. He smiled a smile that never came on his face.

Again, how mercurial...

"May be you can come and give a visit to the parlor on 18 of Ionnes."

Vyoma then realized that she did not know where the tattoo parlor was. He let go of her hand and then opened the carefully folded map he had, spread it out on one of the crates and showed her,
"Here is the Dagger Gaude Tattoo Parlor . I think you should now be able to get to it easily."

Vyoma looked up at her to see her indication of agreement.

Kédrelyn had heard Vyoma's announcement while she was on yet another one of her walks. It sounded interesting, and why not? She could think of no reason not to.

So, she walked over to Vyoma, looking up at him as he stood on his crate. "Serale, could you tell me where I might find this place? I am interested in getting a tattoo." The expression on her face was purely that of interest. Actually, it was surpsing even that showed as today was not one of Kédrelyn's better days... her mood was dark but as usual, she didn't let it show.

Vyoma was amazed that his voice did attract attention of some. He looked at Kédrelyn and saw interest. Though he saw much more within those blue-violet eyes, it was not of his interest. His interest was in her interest.

May be her curiosity.

"Surely, my lady. Here..."

He had still not removed his finger from the map, where he showed it to A' Laena Ssin. Vyoma's index finger pointed at
Dagger Gaude Tattoo Parlor.

Fate is much better than it seems.

