Vyoma is a entity in Alleria. This site is just a record of the happenings to him and a way to keep track of his presence. Alleria is a comminity created world where one can create a character and roleplay.
In Alleria.
Published on September 21, 2004 By Vyoma In Welcome
This site is something like my journal. It exists help me keep track of the happenings to Vyoma, my Player Character in Alleria.
Alleria is a community created, rich and detailed world, where one can create a character and roleplay. The mode is a free-form roleplaying and the rules are implemented by ones own integrity and I like to call it the Honor-System. This is unlike other games where the system has rules built into it. In Alleria, it is the community and more, the player, who implements the rules.
This is my first blog and lets see how it goes.

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